Quick little update. Time has been going by in a blur and I actually didn't realize I was behind in my posts. SOO,
1. I finally finished my entry for the upcoming SDAI International Show, which I will post as soon as it is dry enough to photograph.
2. The couple who bought my painting "In the Beginning" at the last show, contacted me about a commission piece. They are interested in a very large piece for their new home. I had decided I would not accept anymore abstract commissions but they have sufficiently enticed me with this project and I agreed to meet with them after the first of the year. They seem to be such nice people so if nothing else, I will just be glad to spend a little time with them. They suggested I might like to see their art collection which would be a treat for me if it works out. Shipping prices on a large piece is prohibitive and working on a large piece in my small space and with some physical restrictions has added up to not painting on a large scale. But I hope we can get that all worked out. So Linda, if you still want a very large piece let me know. Maybe I can handle it after all.
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Posted by
sandra corey
1:16 PM
Labels: #114 - update
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Little Folk Art San Diego 2 SOLD
Click image to enlarge.
Size: 8" x 6" x 1.5"
Date: 12/8/2008
Medium: Oils on Canvas
This is the second in a series of San Diego MiniScapes I plan to paint. However, I will be interrupting my plan while I divert my attention to the upcoming SDAI International Show.
From the SDAI website: "Since 1955 SDAI has produced the International Exhibition, a juried show drawing interest from artists all over the world. A different internationally known juror is invited each year. This exhibition is juried electronically and in person and makes available international competition to regional & international artists. Awards are presented at SDAI's Museum of the Living Artist’s annual Gala Celebration." For more information go to: SDAI International Show
I will continue to check in with you every other week but I will not likely have any new paintings to post until I finish the entry for the show. And that may be a while.
Posted by
sandra corey
9:56 PM
Labels: #113 MiniScape
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Little Folk Art Bern SOLD
Click image to enlarge.
Size: 8" x 8" x 1.5"
Medium: Oils on canvas.
No, it isn't Thursday yet. This week's post is a bit early due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
In the mid 1960's I lived in Switzerland. Lately I have been remembering it fondly and missing it. Hence this little MiniScape of the beautiful city of Bern, its capital. Preparing for the painting I spent days pouring over images of the city. It almost felt as if I were there. (Oooo. I just listed it on eBay and I see it already has a "watcher". Let's hope it turns into a bidder!)
Today the blog is a bit long. But that is because I have some Some fun news to share with you:
* Remember the last blog and how I was embarrassed to post the painting for you to see? Well, it sold at auction with multiple bids! (I'm still embarrassed and I am still not going to show you!)
* And remember the painting posted October 15 entitled Little Folk Art Tubac? The one I entered in the National Call for Artists Little Treasures show? I learned that it was one of the eight chosen for their silent auction! I am so excited. I will keep you posted with the auction results.
* Lastly, Saturday evening I decided on the spur of the moment to attend the SDAI (San Diego Art Institute Museum of the Living Artist) annual Winter C note show. I had entered 8 paintings (the maximum) and wanted to see what these events were like (It was fun) and whether any of pieces had been chosen for the event. I felt like a spy as I anonymously wandered through the gallery watching and listening.
I came upon a group of four of my paintings and invisibly watched as people either looked at or passed by each painting. Soon there was a little group gathered around In the Beginning (posted to the blog September 18); the one Aaron Brothers framed for me because the canvas was out of square. I watched as the group discussed the painting. I looked at their faces and wondered what they were saying. And then, I had the distinct pleasure of watching one of them buy it, right on the spot. Once he was at the cashier's desk I introduced myself and thanked him. He plans to hang it in a contemporary second home he is building in the desert.
As a reminder, a few of you have mentioned you feel you have missed a blog or two. You have not actually missed any. It's that I only publish it every other week now. So, on this happy note, Happy Thanksgiving and I will see you again in two weeks!
Posted by
sandra corey
5:52 PM
Labels: #112 - MiniScape
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Well, I did paint something for this week but I don't like it very much so I will not be posting it for you to see. It was the third attempt to paint something I liked on the same canvas.
Often, painting over an earlier piece results in something I like because I can use the existing painting as under-layers for the new piece. But this time it did not work out. So now I will probably end up painting over it a fourth time in hopes of finally arriving at something I like...
Posted by
sandra corey
10:45 AM
Labels: #111
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Joyful Sea aka Primitive Seascape SOLD
Click image to enlarge. Click title for to purchase.
Size: 24 x 24 x 1.5
Medium: Oils on Linen
This is an example of what I consider a somewhat primitive, abstract, folk art seascape painting. As a style it remains among my favorites and reminds me of the way children approach painting: simple; colorful; no rules. At this point in my life that approach does not necessarily come naturally and yet I continue to be drawn to it and think it is worth the effort of reconnecting to that childlike approach.
Scroll down to previous post to see update on In the Beginning, the out-of-square canvas.
Posted by
sandra corey
11:22 AM
Labels: #110-primitive abstract
In the Beginning SOLD
Click image to enlarge.
Size: 30 X 40 X 1.5
Oils on Canvas
In post #105, September 18th, I explained my plight with an out-of-square canvas. Aaron Brothers made good and framed it at their expense in a simple wood frame with a lip that was meant to hide the problem. It does a good job but minimizing it but it is still a bit out of square. I prefer the painting unframed, but it just cannot be.
Posted by
sandra corey
11:09 AM
Labels: #109 - Abstract
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Little Folk Art Tubac SOLD
Click image to enlarge.
Size: 5" x 7"
Oils on canvas board.
Located in the Santa Cruz River Valley Tubac, Arizona has a more than 250-year-old Spanish history. Father Eusebio Kino is said to have built many missions, ranches and farms after entering the valley in 1691. In 1752, Juan Bautista de Anza was appointed as the commandant to the Presidio at Tubac. Tubac had become a Presidio to protect the northern frontier of Spain’s New World colonies. A 50-man garrison was established, women and children began arriving and Tubac became the first European settlement in Arizona.
Today Tubac is considered an artist's colony in a town of about one thousand people. When the Tubac Center of the Arts issued a call for artists" for its "Little Treasures 2008 National Juried Miniatures" exhibition November 21 -December 27, it seemed a perfect fit for a MiniScape. Only 5" x 7" canvases may be entered. My entry is a MiniScape of the town of Tubac. Two entries are allowed so if I can paint another and get it dry before the shipping deadline, I will post it as well.
Update: This painting was selected as one of eight to be part of the Silent Auction. Today 1/7/09, I learned it sold with several bids.
Posted by
sandra corey
10:06 PM
Labels: #108 MiniScape
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Well, I am not off to a very good start with my new painting schedule. After being hit with a Shingles Virus two weeks ago, I had just recovered enough to start painting again. Then yesterday it was confirmed the virus was now in my right eye and I should use my eyes as little as possible for the next two weeks. Fortunately it was caught fairly early and there should be no permanent damage or loss of vision. I plan to recover and to be painting faster than expected!
Posted by
sandra corey
10:05 AM
Labels: #107 - update
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Ubran Light-No Longer Available
Click image to enlarge; title for more information or to purchase.
Size 36 x 36 x 1.5
Medium: Oils on Canvas
This abstract is another in the Urban series. It went through a number of color and compositional changes before it became what it is now. To begin with it was very dark with blues and grays and a more pronounced arrangement of shapes. I was not happy with that version and put on a new layer of paint, worked with that for a few days and was not happy with it either. Reworked the composition and put on more layers of paint and arrived here, nowhere near where I started. Adding layers is almost always a good thing. So is knowing how much of them to remove...
Going forward, at least for now, I will experiment with painting two pieces per month rather than four. This means the blog will be published two times per month rather than four. I want to see whether I paint differently if I allow myself more time or whether I really prefer spending no more than one week on a painting. You'll be the first to know!
Special thanks to Ron for his input and Barb for her insights.
Posted by
sandra corey
11:33 AM
Labels: #106
Thursday, September 18, 2008
In the Beginning SOLD
This week I learned something new to consider when shopping for pre-stretched canvases. Before purchasing, measure them with a right angle ruler.
The painting I just completed on a pre-stretched 30 x 40 canvas is 3/8" out of square. When I finished it I quite liked it. That's always nice, because there are also those times when I finish a piece and don't like it at all.
But once it was able to be transferred to a wall to dry (which is when I finally get enough distance to actually see what a painting really looks like), I noticed the problem. I tried to adjust the frame, handling it ever so carefully since it is still wet, but with no success.
In desperation I called Aaron Brothers, where I had purchased the pre-stretched canvas. They said to bring it in and they would surely be able to solve the problem somehow. I will have to wait a few weeks until it is dry enough to withstand that type of handling. So, for now, it is being posted but is not on auction.
Posted by
sandra corey
10:06 AM
Labels: #105 - abstract
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
No paintings today
No paintings today. Most of the past week was occupied with the daily and administrative aspects of selling my paintings; rephotographing past pieces and creating 10 new auction listings. It always takes time but sometimes it really takes time!
This was one of those times. This week I had camera problems (it died as I was shooting and was sent back to Canon and exchanged for another one which arrived with a memory card that would allow me only 3 photographs per shoot!) browser problems (eBay's recommended browser for auction listings, Mozilla, kept crashing during the listing process leaving me no choice but to start all over again, and again, and again, until my brain felt fried.
It also crashed in PayPal and UPS as I was scheduling the shipping and so, of course I had to start over again and again and again...and the rates were not matching up either. Oh, sigh....And, my special ergonomic back chair had to be returned too as it became increasingly uncomfortable.
And finally, I could not get my external DVD player to work with my computer. I had a travel DVD I wanted to watch at my computer to study for a painting. Spent lots of time troubleshooting but it still doesn't work.
This afternoon I finally laid down the background colors for a new, large abstract. Perhaps I will have it finished for next Thursday's art blog. And then again...
Posted by
sandra corey
9:12 PM
Labels: 104 - notes
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Little Folk Art Dublin. SOLD
Click image to enlarge or title for more information or to purchase.
Size: 10" x 10" x 1.5"
Medium: Oils on Canvas.
Painting this cool scene of Dublin, Ireland on the River Liffey as its cool waters flow past green and shady tree-lined streets, was most enjoyable during these warm summer days. Actually, my tree-top canyon home has stayed remarkably cool this summer. And setting up and painting on my balcony has been one of the summer's greatest joys.
Posted by
sandra corey
11:49 AM
Labels: #103 - MiniScape
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Loft #5 SOLD
Click on image to enlarge, and title for more views or to purchase.
Size: 30 x 40 x 1.5
Medium: Oils on Canvas
Have you watched The Stagers yet on HGTV Tuesday nights? It is new this season and I have truly enjoyed and been inspired by one of the stagers in particular named Matthew Finlason. So far he has been assigned 2 urban lofts to stage for sale. Both underwent uplifting transformations under his creative eye and sold very quickly. A properly staged home, it is said, should make the potential buyer want the lifestyle represented by the home. One of Matthew's favorite elements in achieving this effect in staging is artwork. And when you see how it effects the spaces he stages, it is easy to see why. He usually chooses large abstracts and places them for maximum impact. If you are interested in decorating, art, style or real estate, treat yourself to The Stagers and especially to one of Matthew Finlason's episodes.
Posted by
sandra corey
9:37 AM
Labels: #102
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Loft #4 SOLD
Click image to enlarge or title for more information.
Size 24" x 24" x 1.5"
Medium: Oils on Canvas
In a rush today so no time for text. But the anniversary I mentioned last week marks two years of listing paintings on eBay! More later. Barb, I challenge you to name the location of the backdrop for this painting!
Posted by
sandra corey
3:54 PM
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Loft 3 SOLD
Click image to enlarge. Click title for more information.
Medium: Oils on Canvas
Size: 24" x 24" x 1.5"
Today is something of an anniversary. This is my 100th blog posting! Next week I will mention another anniversary, but you will have to wait until then for it.
I have a special collector in Seattle who has bought quite a few of my paintings. She plans to sell them, along with other artist's works, at a fundraiser she is holding on the 18th of August to help raise money for Team Diane. Diane is her friend and was diagnosed with stage 2B breast cancer. The money raised will be used to benefit breast cancer programs. Let's hope the fundraiser is a great success and benefits Diane and others in similar circumstances.
Posted by
sandra corey
12:58 PM
Labels: #100 - Abstract
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Firmament - No longer available
Click image to enlarge or title for information or to purchase.
Size: 36 x 40 x 1.5
Medium: Oils on Canvas
It seemed to take forever to create both the eBay and the Yessy listing today. Each one had problems necessitating starting over. It is probably related to my getting up at 3:15 this morning, leaving me too tired for those kinds of problems!
Posted by
sandra corey
12:20 PM
Labels: #99 - Abstract
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Raw Urban Light - no longer available
Click image to enlarge. This painting is no longer available.
Size: 30" x 40"
Medium: Oils on Canvas
Where does the time go?! This last week has been so full I have hardly painted at all, and tomorrow is already Friday again. By Monday we will already be into August. Next week is set aside for painting! Well, actually, ONE reason it has been extra busy is that I have had 28 eBay auctions going in the last week. It takes time to photograph each item and create the listings. Then I need to answer customer questions, prepare and ship packages and it does take time. If you would like to see the other items I am selling (mostly decorator fabric remnants), click the title of this week's painting and once there click "Seller's Other Items" and the list will appear.
Posted by
sandra corey
10:39 AM
Labels: #98 - Abstract
Thursday, July 24, 2008
LIttle Folk Art San Francisco SOLD
Click image to enlarge. Click title for more information or to purchase.
Size: 8" x 8" x 1.5"
Medium: Oils on Canvas
San Francisco is one of my favorite cities to visit. Although I searched long and hard online for images of the City by the Bay before even sketching this piece, it was painted in large part out of my sense of it and my feelings about it. That seems to be the only way I can approach these miniscapes. I want to know as much as I can and see as many photos as I can and have as realistic an idea as possible of the area. So that I can then abstract, compress and reinterpret it through my own internal vision of it. It doesn't make sense. But that's what I do. In the end, it looks so simple. But the process really stretches my mind!
Posted by
sandra corey
1:35 PM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Independence Day SOLD
Click image to enlarge. Click title for more views or to bid.
Size: 36 x 36 x 1.5
Medium: Oils on Canvas
I painted this piece during the days of the 4th of July celebration. I was thinking about how much the signers of the Declaration of Independence, the colonists and soldiers had suffered for it and what victory must have felt like to them.
I am working on the composition for another MiniScape, this time of San Francisco, for next week but it is taking a very long time. I hope I can finish it for next week's blog. See you then!
Posted by
sandra corey
10:20 AM
Labels: #96 - Abstract
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Light #3 SOLD
Click image to enlarge. Click title for more views or to bid.
Size: 36" x 36" x 1.5"
Medium: Oils on Canvas
It feels so good to paint again. And this 36" x 36" piece is the first abstract I have painted since the end of May. I finished another abstract this evening which will be posted on next Thursday's blog. See you then!
Posted by
sandra corey
9:15 PM
Labels: #95 - abstract
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Little Folk Art Santa Fe SOLD
Click image to enlarge.
Size: 8" x 10" x 1.5"
Medium: Oils on Canvas.
The man this is going to wrote me when I first listed Little Folk Art Santa Fe to say he was born and raised in Santa Fe and that he loved the painting. Although I have not been there, my artist friend Deborah moved there a couple of years ago and since then I have been noticing it in photos and on television and it has captured my imagination.
The special chair I had to buy for my neck/back/arm problem finally arrived and today the wrist guard came so I do hope these help me to paint into old age. If all goes well, I hope to post a new, large abstract for next week. Last night I sketched it out on the computer, complete with color and texture. Normally I don't plan abstracts that carefully ahead of time and most any plan I start out with changes anyway as I paint and new and different ideas come.
Happy Independence Day!
Posted by
sandra corey
9:04 AM
Labels: #94 - MiniScape
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The good news is that my neck/arm/back crises is finally resolved enough that I was able to start painting a little bit last night and even longer today. Yaay! So I began working on a painting of Santa Fe I had sketched a few weeks ago. Fortunately my hands still remembered what to do and it feels so good to paint again. I hope to be able to post it next week.
One positive outcome of being unable to paint for so many weeks is that I managed to get a few things accomplished for my home and car that had needed some attention.
Posted by
sandra corey
6:48 PM
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Olives. Homage to Reyes
Click image to enlarge. Click title to view at the Yessy Gallery.
Oils on Canvas.
Well, I still have not been able to paint because of my neck problem, nor sit at the computer, nor type for more than a couple of minutes at a time so this is another week without a new painting. But so that I at least have something for you this week I thought I would write you a quick note.
A painting I posted some time ago called Olives. Homage to Reyes, was chosen by juried selection for the current San Diego Art Institute Museum of the Living Artist show. The show has now ended, but the painting is available for viewing at the Yessy Gallery by clicking and Title above.
Posted by
sandra corey
2:47 PM
Labels: #92 - update
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Sausalito SOLD
Click image to enlarge.
Size: 36 x 36 x 1.5
Medium: Oils on Canvas
An abstract for this week means a MiniScape for next week. This week's listing was sold before posting to a customer in WA. She has collected several so far for her breast cancer fundraiser, which is especially signifant to her because her close friend was recently diagnosed. Please keep Diane in your prayers.
The new MiniScape I am working on will be either of either Santa Fe, NM or San Francisco. But you never know. I could end up painting another location entirely. So you will just have to tune in next week to find out!
Posted by
sandra corey
11:00 AM
Labels: #91
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The C & K House - SOLD
Click image to enlarge.
Size: 8" x 6" x 1.5"
Medium: Oils on canvas.
My friend Linda is a Realtor and ordered this Mini HomeScape as a closing gift for her clients who bought the home represented here, in Carlsbad, CA. Batiquitos Lagoon can be seen in the background, coastal homes along the right, two culs-de-sac within the development in the foreground, surrounded by greenbelt and golf course. I loved painting this one and I must say I am so happy with the way it turned out! If you are looking for a Realtor in San Diego, I would like to recommend Linda Lyles with Capital Realty. Cell 858-229-5929 or LLyles@SBCglobal.net.
Switching between large expressionist abstracts and these small folk art pieces provides for a nice variety for me and each causes me to appreciate painting the other.
Posted by
sandra corey
8:23 PM
Labels: #90 - Mini HomeScape
Thursday, May 22, 2008
SDAI Update
I didn't think I was going to publish my blog today because I could not paint at all last week. But my mom and I decided to go over to SDAI (San Diego Art Institute Museum of the Living Artist) this afternoon to see the current C-Note show and then get a bite to eat at the Prado, also located in Balboa Park.
To my very great and happy surprise 6 out of 7 of my paintings that were submitted to this brief fundraiser show had sold. One was on the wall so I hope it will sell too.
So I have good news rather than a painting to share this week!
Posted by
sandra corey
5:32 PM
Labels: #89
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Little FOlk Art Los Angeles SOLD
Click image to enlarge. Click title purchase at the Yessy Gallery.
Size: 12" x 12" x 1.5"
Medium: Oils on Linen.
At 12" x 12", this is the largest yet of the MiniScapes. I wonder whether anyone will actually be able to identify the areas of Los Angeles included here, since it has been quite "minimilized" and abstracted. But some of you are very good at this; especially you, Barb!
It hardly seems possible but this marks the end of two years of painting and auctioning my art on eBay. Happily, increasingly more of my paintings are selling and fetching better prices. (more than double the prices of last year, which ended with a doubling of the prices at the outset of this adventure!) Not to suggest it's all about the earnings, but it is nonetheless a substantial and legitimate aspect of the whole picture, no pun intended.
Happy Anniversary and thank you for all your encouraging and constructive comments!
Posted by
sandra corey
9:57 AM
Labels: #87 - MiniScape
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Raw Street - SOLD
Click image to enlarge. Sorry, bidding has ended.
Size: 30" x 40" x 1.5"
Medium: Oils on Canvas.
It's rather interesting switching back and forth between large abstracts and the Folk Art MiniScapes. Such different approaches and styles. Next week I hope to post another MiniScape, this time a slightly larger one at 12" x 12". The 10" x 10" Little Folk Art San Diego had been the largest MiniScape. But I have noticed a big difference working with those additional 2 inches and I am not sure this style can carry it off. The new one will be Los Angeles.
Posted by
sandra corey
12:26 PM
Labels: #86 - Abstract
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Folk Art La Jolla SOLD
Click image to enlarge.
Size: 6" x 6" x 1.5"
Medium: Oils on Linen
This view of La Jolla, California is slightly south of the area of La Jolla where I grew up. It is very changed today but the ocean and sky and even the Beach and Tennis Club remain unchanged.
Posted by
sandra corey
6:54 PM
Labels: #85 - MiniScape
Thursday, April 17, 2008
A Little Folk Art San Diego SOLD
Click image to enlarge.
Size: 10" x 10" x 1.5"
Medium: Oils on Stretched Linen.
This is a MiniScape of San Diego that I painted especially to submit to an upcoming, annual fundraising event at San Diego Art Institute Museum of the Living Artist (SDAI). I am exercising restraint because I really want to list it on eBay and Yessy. It is very similar to the mini Welcome HomeScapes, except that it is twice the size and is a portrait of a region of San Diego rather than a particular home within a region. For more information about this event, click here.
Posted by
sandra corey
11:03 AM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Rush of Angels - SOLD
Cick image to enlarge. Sorry, bidding has ended.
Size: 36 x 36 x 1.5
Medium: Oils on Canvas.
This painting was meant to be the background layers for another painting. But each time I went to paint over it, I stopped. There was just something about it and its spontaneous movement and color that I liked. And as I looked at it I saw angels and a rushing wind they had stirred up. So, I wondered whether anyone else would see it as I did and I listed it as it was. Someone did, and it received an early, high bid. The auction closes today at 1:53 PST and currently has four other people watching it. As of now I only now it will have sold by the end of the auction. I will have to wait along with everyone else to see whether more bids will be placed.
Posted by
sandra corey
10:37 AM
Labels: #83 - Abstract
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Eagle Street Condominium
Click image to enlarge. Click title to purchase.
Size: 8" x 6"
Medium: Oils on Canvasboard
Another Mini HomeScape but this time of my own neighborhood.
Posted by
sandra corey
10:17 AM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Light #2 SOLD
Click on image to enlarge.
Size: 24" x 24" x 1.5"
Medium: Oils.
Today we are celebrating the end of my first year of publishing my art blog! (It actually seems much longer than that to me.) This is my 81st posting. During the year I have reported on various topics from eBay listing experiments to useful links to art museums and have posted art ranging from abstracts to folk art. It has been fun and sometimes challenging to produce a painting or collage in time for each week's blog. It has been a year of learning, both about painting and selling and about publishing a blog.
If you happen to be traveling to Santa Fe and will be there May 17-18, you may take the largest ever Eldorado Art Studio Tour. 105 outstanding artists will be exhibiting their new work in- studio. Among the artists displaying works will be my friend Deborah Crafts. To view a sample of her work, click Deborah Crafts. For information on the tour, click here.
I think I have a winner for the mini landscapes marketing name. What do you think of Welcome HomeScapes? Thank you to both my mother and mortgage entrepreneur Jason Katz for thinking of HomeScapes and to Jason for the full title. If you have an idea of your own, get it to me quickly!
Posted by
sandra corey
1:01 PM
Labels: #81 - abstract
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Relationships SOLD
Click image to enlarge. This painting will be available only through SDAI until June 1st.
Size: 30" x 24" x 1.5"
Medium: Oils on canvas
Happy Easter.
Posted by
sandra corey
10:13 PM
Labels: # 80 - abstract
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Mom's - NFS
Click image to enlarge.
Size: 8" x 6"
Medium: Oils on canvas board.
This is my little house in Mission Hills where my mother lives. It's small but there is enough room for her to garden and cook; her two favorite pastimes. This little painting will be her Mother's Day present.
I am now painting these on commission. All I need is a picture of the home and the address. I use the address for a satellite view of the surroundings. This gives me a sense of the area for the compressed, abstracted landscape. These are a blend of folk and abstract styles with a bit of realism. Contact me for pricing.
Please email your ideas for a good product description. I am thinking of: Mini Landscapes; Mini Home Portraits; Little Neighborhoods; Little Home Paintings.
Posted by
sandra corey
8:14 PM
Labels: #79 - Mini Landscape
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Click image to enlarge. Sorry, bidding has ended.
Size: 40" w x 30" h x 1.5" d
Medium: Oils on Canvas
Posted by
sandra corey
9:14 PM
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Light SOLD
Click image to enlarge. Sorry, bidding has ended.
Size: 24" x 24 " x 1.5"
Medium: Oils on canvas
For those of you who are artists, our local Artist & Craftsman Supply store has begun offering the 1.5" deep, pre-stretched canvases in many of the larger sizes at quite reasonable prices. These are the best prices I have found on a daily basis. Aaron Brothers penny sales come along twice each year. Although the prices are not quite as low as penny sale prices, (basically 2 canvases for he price of one), they are good enough to keep me going between those sales and I feel less compelled to stock up, which is impractical in a small space. They are also constructed of lighter-weight wood, which makes them much easier to handle. For locations, click this link:
Artist & Craftsman Supply
Posted by
sandra corey
9:38 AM
Labels: #77 - abstract
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Transformation SOLD
Click image to enlarge. Click title for more information or to purchase.
Size: 20 x 16 unframed
Medium: Oils and paper on canvas board
I seem to be unable to resist painting with these colors lately. And I have a feelings there are more to come! If you click over to the auction photos you will see what a difference framing a relatively small painting can make to its presence in a room.
Posted by
sandra corey
11:10 PM
Labels: #76 - abstract
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The Letter - SOLD
Click image to enlarge. Sorry, bidding has ended.
Size: 24 x 24 x 1.5
Medium: Oils on canvas
Another abstract for this week. Also working on another mini landscape. These are semi abstract but have an identifiable subject. Both styles are fun and I like the variety.
Posted by
sandra corey
9:59 PM
Labels: #75 abstract
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Urban Edge - SOLD
Click image to enlarge. Sorry, bidding has ended.
Size: 36 x 36 x 1.5
Medium: Oils on Canvas
EBay offers an option for buyers called proxy bidding. The buyer allows eBay to bid automatically and incrementally up to his/her maximum. The amounts bid are not visible to the seller. Only manually placed bids are visible to the seller.
Sellers may also place reservers on their items. This is the lowest amount the seller would accept. If an auction has a reserve on it of $200 and a customer bids up to $199 by the end of the auction, there is no sale and the seller does not know what the buyer's highest bid was. The seller sees only the original opening bid.
I also learned when selling with a reserve, the seller can and probably should state the reserve amount in the auction text. This doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but that's the way it is.
Posted by
sandra corey
9:38 PM
Labels: #74 - Abstract
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Hope - SOLD
Click image to enlarge.
Size: 36 x 36 x 1.5
Medium: Oils on canvas.
Sometimes it helps to see a painting in an actual room setting. When I paint larger pieces, such as this one, I like to help shoppers imagine how the colors and size will look in their own spaces.
This week I have painted 3 abstracts which will be posted over the next few weeks. Why did I suddenly switch back from folk art? I like so many styles of art (and I like change).
Posted by
sandra corey
9:14 PM
Labels: #73 - Abstract
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Red Teapot Collage SOLD
Click image to enlarge. Click title for more information or to purchase.
Size: 12" w x 18" h with frame.
Medium: Paper Collage.
This is one of two folk art teapot collages for this week in the Teapot series. Scroll down to see the second. As I am posting these, I am painting some new abstracts which I plan to begin posting by next week.
Posted by
sandra corey
12:06 PM
Labels: #72 - Folk art Collage Teapot
Brown Teapot Collage SOLD
Click image to enlarge. Click title for more information or to purchase.
Size: 12" w x 18" h with frame.
Medium: Paper Collage.
The second of two collages for this week in the folk art Teapot series.
I am working on some abstract paintings again so I may have some to post for next week.
Posted by
sandra corey
11:52 AM
Labels: #71 - Collage Teapot
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Fabric Folk Art Orange SOLD
Click image to enlarge. Sorry, bidding has ended.
Size, framed: 17"h x 13"w
Medium: Fabric
This fabric "painting" was made by cutting out the design in fabric and then exactly matching the negative space with a fabric cutout to fit exactly into it and gluing it in place. In a way, this could be considered a collage in fabric. This week I am experimenting with paper collage. I may try inlaying the pieces although collage usually involves placing the pieces on top of each other.
Posted by
sandra corey
11:40 AM
Labels: Post #70-inlaid fabric fruit
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Tea and Flowers - SOLD
Click image to enlarge. Sorry, bidding has ended.
Size: 16"h x 12"w x 3/4"d
Medium: Oils on canvas.
Another in the tea series. Staying with the folk art style so far. I may try more abstraction in the next.
Posted by
sandra corey
5:40 PM
Labels: #69 - tea
Thursday, January 3, 2008
A Horse's Dream - SOLD
Click image to enlarge. Sorry, bidding has ended.
Size: 16"w x 12" h
Medium: 140 lb cotton paper.
As mentioned last week, here is my folk art animal piece.
Horses are such dear and special creatures, with irresistible personalities as different from each other as people's. And they make excellent friends. I have often wondered what they feel and think about in their lives. Maybe they too have hopes and dreams.
Posted by
sandra corey
9:29 AM
Labels: #68 - Folk Art Horse