Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Modern Folk Art Flower

Click image to enlarge. Click title for more information.
Size: 10" x10" x 1.5"
Medium: Oils on Canvas

This week I set up my studio to allow work on up to five paintings in the same week. Two easels accommodate two large canvases for the abstracts. And my extra-long table is roomy enough for three smaller pieces. What this means is that while paint is setting up on one piece or while I am waiting on the direction to take a painting, I can work on another that is ready to move forward. It seemed to work out the way I hoped and I have four completed works and one about half way completed. It isn't making my days longer, just more efficient.

I don't know the name of the artist who painted the piece below that was my inspiration for Modern Folk Art Flower, so I can't give him/her credit. While web-surfing one day I came accross it and it captured my imagination. Today's post is my interpretation of it.

Inpsiration piece.